An explanation to the patient of how to prepare and w
hat they can expect at their initial acupuncture visit at Acupuncture Wellness & Fertility Clinic, Arlington Heights.
An explanation to the patient of how to prepare and w
hat they can expect at their initial acupuncture visit at Acupuncture Wellness & Fertility Clinic, Arlington Heights.
All treatment begins with a proper diagnosis, which takes place during your first visit. A lot of time is spent getting a complete picture of your health and lifestyle, especially if you are coming in for fertility related issues or complex health issues. We examine the condition of your tongue (is it cracked, coated, excessively pink? etc.) and check your pulse on both wrists (the quality of your pulse gives information about possible imbalances). We’ll also ask questions about your emotional state and specific symptoms you may have. This is done because we are treating the whole person which is often different than the western paradigm.
The first visit (with diagnosis) can last from an hour to an hour and a half depending on the nature of the issue and it includes a consultation in addition to an acupuncture treatment. Your subsequent visits will be shorter and last about 45 minutes to an hour. A follow up consists of a review of your progress followed by an acupuncture treatment.
If it’s warranted, we also may recommend an herbal formula. Herbs are nearly always combined in a balanced fashion, where different herbs have supporting effects. Thousands of years of use and research have shown that this is far more effective than large doses of a single substance. Keep in mind herbs cannot replace the lifestyle factors, such as dense nutrition, sleep, movement, avoiding toxins… which support and build foundational health. If the basic fundamentals are neglected altogether progress could be extremally slow or non-existent seeing that the momentum to produce positive change must be greater that the factors which created the imbalance in the first place.
PLEASE NOTE THAT ACUPUNCTURE IS A THERAPY THAT OFTEN REQUIRES MORE THAN ONE VISIT TO PRODUCE SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES IN THE BODY. If you have a simple straightforward issue it can work quite quickly but if you have years of imbalance it will take time and a comprehensive approach to truly heal.
Typically acupuncture treatments are given once a week, especially initially. If the condition is acute and painful or if one is prepping for an egg retrieval in an IVF cycle, treatments may be given 2-3 times per week for a period of time. The exact duration of treatment depends on the condition, your basic level of health, and how well you respond to acupuncture.
Make sure to eat something light an hour or two before arriving
Do not eat a heavy meal or drink alcohol right before treatment
Minimize the intake of caffeine
Wear clothes that are either stretchy or loose
Bring any relevant imaging or lab work with you
Bring completed online intake forms
Please arrive on time so that you may benefit fully
New Patient acupuncture and fertility forms for the initial visit
New Patient acupuncture and fertility forms for the initial visit
Please print off and complete the forms below to bring with for your first appointment.
WE ONLY ACCEPT BCBS PPO (NOT HMO) AND OUT OF NETWORK AETNA INSURANCE, PROVIDED ACUPUNCTURE IS A COVERED SERVICE ON YOUR PARTICULAR PLAN. **WE DO NOT ACCEPT CIGNA OR UNITED HEALTHCARE.** In order to best serve you please have your insurance verified before your scheduled appointment. Please click on the link below and complete the online form- this verification takes up to 48 hours . We will contact you as soon as the benefits are established. **WE WILL NOT VERIFY ANY SUBMISSIONS OTHER THAN BCBS PPO AND AETNA PPO**
***Please note that at this time most insurance carriers generally do not cover acupuncture for the diagnosis of infertility because they see it as experimental. Occasionally, patients can get partial coverage if they are being treated concurrently for another diagnosis which is covered. BCBS of Illinois changed the majority of their plans in 2022, limiting acupuncture coverage to the diagnosis of migraines and headaches only. Please note that all patients are responsible for understanding their plan terms and conditions and the summary provided by our biller is done as a courtesy to patients.***